Ricardo diesel generator set standby power Leton power

LETON power Ricardo jenereithara e beha kakaretso ea sehlahisoa
Sete ea jenereithara ea LETON ea Ricardo ke sehlahisoa se lumelletsoeng ka molao sa Ricardo. E sebelisa enjene ea disele ea R. Ke sehlahisoa se entsoeng ke matla a LETON ka kenyelletso ea theknoloji e tsoetseng pele e tsoang United Kingdom le Austria 'me e lebisitsoe ho tikoloho e thata ea leholimo Chaena. E na le ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho qala le tšebeliso e tlase ea mafura, phallo e tlase, ts'ebetso e bonolo, tlhokomelo e bonolo joalo-joalo. Khamphani ea rona e ithuta ho tsoa ho matla a ba bang, e lula e cheka le ho amohela mahlale a tsoetseng pele a tsoang kantle ho naha. Motheong oa ho tsebahatsa le ho nts'etsapele lienjine tsa disele tsa British Rica R series, re atlehile ho tsebahatsa thekenoloji ea ho chesa mollo ea Austrian AVL Company, theknoloji ea Italy ea Fiat casting, mochine oa ho thunya oa German Hautinger, le German Lai The three-coordinate meaculation device. le lisebelisoa tse ling tse tsoetseng pele tsa theknoloji le lisebelisoa li etsa hore ho tšepahala le bophelo ba R series enjene ea disele e fihle boemong bo tsoetseng pele ba lihlahisoa tse tšoanang lefatšeng.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa


Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

LETON power Ricardo jenereithara e beha kakaretso ea sehlahisoa

Sete ea jenereithara ea morao-rao ea LETON ea matla a Ricardo ke lisilindara tse 'ne, lisilinda tse tšeletseng, tse pholileng ka metsi, li-stroke tse' nè, jenereithara ea lebelo le phahameng la ente ea disele. Lebelo la matla ke 15-1200KW, 'me lebelo ke 1500-2400r / min. E na le melemo ea tšebeliso e tlase ea mafura, torque e kholo, ho qala habonolo, le ts'ebetso e bonolo le tlhokomelo. Matla a loketseng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa jenereithara, matla a emisang, mochini oa kaho le mechini ea temo. E na le ts'ebetso e ntle, boleng bo botle le ts'ebeletso e netefalitsoeng ho feta har'a lihlahisoa tse tšoanang tsa jenereithara. Ke sehlahisoa se khothalelitsoeng sa lefapha la sete ea jenereithara ea Starlight Ricardo.

Lisete tsa jenereithara tsa Ricardo 50kW

Lisete tsa jenereithara tsa Ricardo 50kW

Lijenereithara tsa Ricardo 100kW

Jenereithara ea Ricardo 100kW

LETON matla a jenereithara ea Ricardo e behile maemo a tlhophiso:

1. Enjene: Ricardo letoto la dizeli;
2. Mofuta oa enjene: metsi a pholileng, a-line, a mane, liner cylinder liner, ente e tobileng;
3. Jenereithara: brushless excitation jenereithara.

Sistimi ea taolo bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa jenereithara tsa LETON tsa Ricardo:

1. Sesebelisoa sa alamo se ikemetseng: thepa e na le mochine oa alamo oa molumo le o bobebe, 'me leha e le efe ea liphoso tse latelang e etsahala: ho hloleha ho qala, mocheso o phahameng oa metsi, khatello e tlaase ea oli, ho feta, ho feta, ho lla, alamo ea othomathike le ho koala ha ho feta.

2. Sesebelisoa sa ho beha leihlo:
(1) Voltmeter, ammeter ea mekhahlelo e meraro, mitha ea maqhubu
(2) Tekanyo ea mocheso oa metsi le khatello ea oli
(3) Tekanyo ea oli, tekanyo ea mocheso oa oli
(4) Leseli la alamo le ho lla.

LETON matla a jenereithara ea Ricardo e behile melemo le likarolo tsa sehlahisoa:

1. Hlahisa thekenoloji ea ho chesa mollo ea k'hamphani ea AVL ea Austria ho ntlafatsa ho qala ho bata le matla a enjene ea disele;
2. Ts'ebetso e bonolo, tlhokomelo e loketseng le tšebeletso e nakong;
3. The integral crankshaft le mofuta oa gantry mofuta oa 'mele o ka fapanyetsanoa le enjene ea khale ea diesel ea 135 ka kakaretso;
4. Sete ea jenereithara e amohela mofuta o mocha oa kamore e tukang ea mollo ho fihlela matšoao a ts'ireletso ea tikoloho;
5. Moralo o ntlafalitsoeng oa lubrication le sistimi ea ho pholisa le ts'ebetso e tšepahalang;
6. Tšebeliso e tlaase ea mafura le ho falla ho fokolang, le mehlala ea matla a phahameng a na le lisebelisoa tsa ho shebella;
7. Ho na le ts'ireletso e mene le ts'ebetso ea taolo e hole ea sebaka se selelele;
8. E na le bokhoni bo matla ba ho sebetsa sehlabeng, 'me matla a fokotsehile ka 3%;
9. DC e qala, li-stroke tse 'nè, pholileng ea metsi, ente e tobileng, 150rpm self-fan e koetsoeng ea ho pholile, ho qeta khase ea turbocharging.

Li-jenereithara tse theko e tlaase tsa Ricardo li beha

Li-jenereithara tse theko e tlaase tsa Ricardo li beha

Likarolo tsa jenereithara tsa Ricardo

Likarolo tsa jenereithara tsa Ricardo

Lijenereithara tsa Ricardo

Lijenereithara tsa Ricardo

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Genset no. Matla a maholo
    Matla a emeng
    Matla a enjene
    No. ea cyclinder Sekhahla sa oli
    g/k • h
    Boima ba 'mele
    LT26R 24/30 26/33 K4100D 30. 1/33 4 13 205 1600X590X1350 800
    LT33R 30/38 33/41 K4100D 30.1/33 4 13 205 1600X590X1350 960
    LT55R 50/63 55/69 R4105ZD 56/62 4 13 205 1600X590X1350 1020
    LT83R 75/94 83/103 R6105ZD 84/92. 4 6 17 205 1800X700X1500 1100
    LT110R 100/125 110/139 R6105ZLD-1 110/121 6 17 205 2500X780X1500 1700
    LT132R 120/150 132/165 R6105AZLD-1 120/132 6 17 205 2600X800X1500 1900
    LT165R 150/188 165/206 HK6113ZLD 155/171 6 28.7 205 2800X950X1650 2800
    LT220R 200/250 220/275 TAD200 206/227 6 34.4 205 3300X1400X1700 2800
    LT275R 250/313 275/344 TAD250 278/308 6 34.4 205 3300X1440X1700 3000
    LT330R 300/375 330/413 TAD300-6 300/330 6 34.4 205 3300X1440X1700 3100
    LT385R 350/438 385/481 TAD350 372/410 12 57.4 205 3400X1440X1700 3500
    LT440R 400/500 440/550 TAD400 409/450 12 57.4 205 3400X1440X1900 4300
    LT550R 500/625 550/688 TAD500 500/550 12 57.4 213.7 3800X1440X1900 4800
    LT660R 600/750 660/825 TAD600 600/660 12 57.4 221 4000X1440 X 2100 5500
    LT770R 700/875 770/963 TAD700 720/780 12 80 221 4000X1440 X 2100 6000
    LT880R 800/1000 880/1100 TAD800 818/900 12 80 221 4500X1840 X 2160 6500
    LT990R 900/1125 990/1238 TAD900 992 (GZL) 12 200 209.4 6000 X 2000 X 2670 12500
    LT1100R 1000/1250 1100/1375 TAD1000 1000 (GZL1) 12 200 209.4 6200 X 2100 X 2800 13200
    LT1320R 1200/1500 1320/1650 TAD1200 1000 (GZL1) 12 200 209.4 6500X2300X2800 13700


    1.Above tekheniki parameters lebelo ke 1500RPM, frequency 50HZ, rated voltage 400 / 230V, matla factor 0.8, le 3-mohato 4-terata. Lijenereithara tsa diesel tsa 60HZ li ka etsoa ho latela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa bareki.

    2.Alternator e itšetlehile ka litlhoko tsa bareki, u ka khetha ho tloha Qiangsheng (ho khothalletsa),Shanghai MGTATION, Wuxi Stamford, motor, Leroy somer, Shanghai marathon le lihlahisoa tse ling tse tummeng.

    3.Mekhabiso e ka holimo ke ea litšupiso feela, e ka fetoha ntle le tsebiso.
    Leton Power ke moetsi ea sebetsanang le tlhahiso ea lijenereithara, lienjineri le lisebelisoa tsa jenereithara tsa diesel. Hape ke moetsi ea tšehetsang OEM oa li-jenereithara tsa diesel tse lumelletsoeng ke China Ricardo. Leton Power e na le lefapha la litšebeletso tsa thekiso ea profeshenale ho fa basebelisi lits'ebeletso tsa meralo e le 'ngoe, phepelo, thomello le tlhokomelo ka nako efe kapa efe.